Phase 1
Listening, Learning, and Planning
Streamline communication and set up a legible and transparent engagement process for future phases
Solicit initial feedback from the community and stakeholders to understand all of the desires and constraints around the site
Begin site due diligence to understand site constraints.
Phase 2
Build off the community’s vision and align that with the site’s technical opportunities and constraints
Establish design framework and programmatic makeup.
Explore economic impacts and analyze potential fiscal and operational impact.

Phase 3
Create redevelopment scenarios and gather feedback
Solidify master plan framework direction
Explore Overall Cost Impacts and begin to understand implementation scenarios
Phase 4
Finalize Redevelopment Plan Direction in a preferred alternative that is a result of the engagement from Phase 3 redevelopment scenarios.
Develop Design details that outline character, operations, and maintenance, and finalize cost and funding mechanisms
Outline Phasing

Phase 5
Bridging to Implementation
Develop detailed design and coordinate all needs from an implementation and permitting standpoint
Continue to keep the community informed on the progress
Begin formal approval processes

Construction Documents and Bidding - Typical 6 Months
Construction - 18-24 Months